Tourism in Beaujolais - Discovery with one's family.

Distance : 15 km
Easy road without relief and entirely reassured Accessible in foot or with cycle and for disabled people Access : at St Jean d’Ardiéres ( cycle’s point) and also the other cycles’s points of Ciercé, Régnié-Durette and Beaujeu. From the Val de Saône, a cycle path reachs Beaujeu.

It runs alongside the valley of “the Ardiéres”. It was the place where the train of the PLM society ran before. The “ Voie verte” of the Beaujolais makes up a real spine for many hikes and rides. Many pretexts are available to savour the walks in each season and they will awake your sense. You can enjoy the green meadows, the woods’s coolness, the river which serpentizes until the hillsides of the Beaujolais, the fragrance of the grape harvest, the gold colors of the vineyards in autumn.
A l'écart des voitures, à pied, en vélo, en rollers, en poussette ou en fauteuil, en famille ou entre amis, chacun pourra découvrir à son gré les secrets de la campagne beaujolaise.
The guid of the " Voie Verte du Beaujolais". Come to stroll on the green path of the Beaujolais : on the former line of the railway “Villiers-le-Bell” (length : 11km) .
The line is kept for walkers, hikers, riders, rollers, disabled people. From this axe, 7 cycle paths for riders with naut beacons will take you to different villages of the Beaujolais.
The walkers will stroll on those paths, will disvover the landscapes’s diversity : forest with firs and Douglas, 2 varieties of characteristic resinous trees but also wooded hills wich are the domain of goats, sheeps and cows. Occasional or experienced walkers can enjoy the walk. In each village, there are also many starts of council hike and ride’s circuits. For the horse ride’s followers, the departmental committee of Tourism has marked out with beacons many paths. Those paths are far from the roads and cross the whole Rhône’s department.