Les Ardillats in Beaujolais.

This history:

Origin of the name:
In the Ardières valley, above the village, there used to be a marshy area (at a place called "En Ardières") where wisps appeared - Ardi in patois, coming from the Latin "Ardere" = to burn, hence the name of the river (Ardire in patois became Ardières) and the name of the country: ARDILLATS.

 The town of "Les Ardillats" is a transition area between the vineyard and the mountain. On its granite soil dedicated to mixed farming, there are meadows and on the well-exposed hillsides, vines which produce Beaujolais.

 In the Rhône department, in the heart of Beaujolais Village, come to discover this land and you will love the beautiful scenery, the buildings in the Golden Stone, conviviality, local food and its tasty cuisine.

The Ardière rises just below Mont Saint-Rigaud (1009 m), in the town of Les Ardillats, and merges with "the Saône". The length of its waterway is 29.9 km. Along the Ardière, we find sensitive species:The bird " Kingfisher.A fish la Bouvière.
A freshwater mussel
l'Anodonte. We can also see three species of dragonflies: des Gomphidae, l'Aeshna, et l'Agrion de Mercure and the white-footed crayfish.

Water info: The Rivers of Beaujolais   

  Here, meadows where cows graze side with vineyards and conifers. Its many paths make the town a major destination for walks. The Ardillats is the best destination to rest and relax, to breathe fresh air, and to regain strength and energy... You can enjoy picking mushrooms and chestnuts, playing sports, cycling on the green lane, going fishing in a naturally welcoming setting. You will be charmed by the calm and the beauty of the landscapes..